Drea Cofield OnlyFans nude sendmeyourselfies
@sendmeyourselfies Biography
Tiny Oil Paintings based on People's Seflies:
Folks send me selfies and I choose which ones I want to turn into tiny oil paintings on cardboard that fit in the palm of your hand. Paintings posted every week.
I've continued this on and off for over a decade. It is a project that runs parallel to my studio work and creates an interesting mirror box of mutual exhibitionism.
I have three requests/rules for selfies sent to be painted:
1. Use a mirror or a device on a timer to remove distortion.
2. Try to use natural light, but definitely no flash.
3. It must be a photo of you that you have taken yourself.
Please send your selfies through the OF messaging platform. If you send a photo, you are giving me the right to use it as the reference for a painting. All physical paintings and digital images of paintings are my property and copyright. Request permission to share and credit.
Paintings are for sale unless otherwise indicated. Message for more information. xxx
The OnlyFans account belonging to @sendmeyourselfies boasts an impressive collection of over 23 videos and 78 photos, a substantial assortment indeed.